Aeration/Over Seed

Aeration/Over Seed on Established Lawns is a Highly Beneficial Service!

Specific benefits below:


  • Significantly enhances nutrient/moisture movement through the soil substrate.

  • Significantly reduces soil compaction.

Our Service is designed to maximize those benefits: HOW

  1. We use only brand new well maintained aerators so that the pulled plugs in fact are deep and thorough. Using old worn out aerators get only half the job done. Plug depth is key! We rent our equipment each season to assure we use only state-of-the-art well maintained aerators.

2. And KEY - a systematic thorough aerating pattern across turf!

Over Seeding

This is really the bang for the buck! Way more than just Aeration!


Over time, grass plants reach their peak.

To have a beautiful thick lush lawn the grass plants need to be periodically replenished.

Many different factors contribute to the breakdown of the grass including age, foot traffic, heat, lack of water, environmental conditions, pet waste, etc.   

The key to thick healthy turf is to periodically replenish the grass with new grass plant seeds using a high quality Deluxe Premium seed! Happy and proud to provide the seed specifications, ASK!

And most important, the assuring a proper seed application rate. And MOST important - assuring the proper seed application rate, Seed thoroughly applied.

Introducing important new grass generates thicker healthier turf!

And the added new grass, the thicker resulting turf, helps the lawn significantly build resistance to disease and insects.

And thick healthy grass, cut high, helps naturally out compete the weeds by shading and preventing weed seed germination helping reduce overall herbicide needed for weed control. 


Cheaper seed = cheaper results.

Skimpy seed application = equal weak outcome.

Pay attention to what you sign up for!